Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Quick Facts100% Online
$398 per credit hour**
Credit Hours
Time to Completion: 12-24 months*
From how we learn and grow to how we form relationships, a degree in Psychology from Husson Online provides a better understanding of ourselves and others. It’s the kind of education that develops the professional skills employers demand in every industry. Graduates of this program are prepared to pursue opportunities in case management, community services, counseling, market research, sales and more.
*Based on a student transferring in between 60–90 credits. **All rates subject to change.
Upcoming Start Dates:
Term 3: January 20, 2025
Term 4: March 17, 2025
Course Spotlights
Counseling Psychology
Forensic Psychology
Trauma and Resiliency
Mind-Body Connection
Husson Online programs are accredited through NECHE and prepare students for professional career opportunities.
Admissions, financial aid, degree planning, enrolling in the right class — going back to school can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.
Generous transfer credit policy and lifelong career services.